A Chatterbox is a Treasure

A Chatterbox is a Treasure is of type Data Recorder. It is required for the pursuit Turning an Asset. It is found at Bernal Tower, San Francisco.

Field Recording of Rhett Warner

Echelon surveillance archive. July 5th, 2032.

Nicely done, Gray. My men had little trouble cleaning out that bunker.

So? Does that mean the Old Bear will let me in the boy's club?

Let's not put the cart ahead of the horse. But, he is considering meeting with you.

Considering? Does that imply that my worth hasn't been proven? You tell Zaitzev that if his organization is going to work, it needs to be run like a corporation. I don't believe you've got a plethora of CEO candidates among a bunch of ex special forces dopes. You're going to need money to sustain your expensive taste. I've got the business plan. What is that? An ear piece?

Viktor says, Boltun - nakhodka dlya shpiona. A chatterbox is a treasure for a spy.

He's been listening in?

He says if you shut up, he'll meet you next week.


End entry.



It is found at Bernal Tower, San Francisco.

Located at Bernal Tower in San Francisco, under the main tower, in the middle behind a pillar.

World Map


Data Recorder


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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Located at Bernal Tower in San Francisco, under the main tower, in the middle behind a pillar.

11 years ago