Jackleg is Back

Jackleg is Back is of type Data Recorder. It is required for the pursuit Mines of Madness. It is found at Bolinas Smeltery, Marin.

No transcript has been entered for this Data Recorder.

It is found at Bolinas Smeltery, Marin.

At Bolinas Smeltery go to the large building, cimb up the ladder then work your way around until you see crates that you can climb on. Climb on the crates and jump to the next level, the recorder is on the nearest side to the entrance.

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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

At Bolinas Smeltery go to the large building, cimb up the ladder then work your way around until you see crates that you can climb on. Climb on the crates and jump to the next level, the recorder is on the nearest side to the entrance.

11 years ago