Final Stages of Evac

Final Stages of Evac is of type Data Recorder. It is required for the pursuit Crush Cronkhite Bunker. It is found in Commandeer Cronkhite.

No transcript has been entered for this Data Recorder.

It is found in Commandeer Cronkhite.

Found in the co-op map Commandeer Cronkhite, after the first initial square room, and the circular room there is a rectangular hall with many turrets. There are some stairs leading up to the next level of the same room and the recorder is on a table there.





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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Found in the co-op map Commandeer Cronkhite, after the first initial square room, and the circular room there is a rectangular hall with many turrets. There are some stairs leading up to the next level of the same room and the recorder is on a table there.

11 years ago