Armistice Event Guide

March 30, 2015 | | Viewed 9,636 times | Armistice Event,

A full guide about the Armistice Event, taking place from March 30th until April 20th

Enjoy all past Holiday Event Arkfalls from March 30th to April 20th and get some new weapons.

What is Armistice?

 About the Armistice
The cataclysmic Pale Wars represent a period of bloody inter-species conflict that brought terror and destruction to Earth on a global scale. The inspirational Battle of Defiance – in which the Defiant Few united in their refusal to fight – sparked a worldwide social uprising calling for peace. This movement eventually pressured the Earth Republic and the Votanis Collective into a ceasefire and encouraged other nations and city-states to lay down their arms.




Armistice is the third event introducing contracts. Defiant Few offers daily and weekly contracts that will reward you with random event weapons. Each Daily will reward you with a random purple weapon, and each of the three weeklies gives a random jackpot weapon.


New Weapons

All events except Valentine's have been taking place before the Weapon Bonus Roll Changes. Jackpot weapons have gotten new updated rolls and are now called Mk II. The New Frontier Harvest Arkfalls drop a fixed set of weapons now as well.


Holiday Arkfalls

There aren't only weapons you can get from these events. Next to the new jackpot weapons including the Carving Knife, you can get headgears and titles.



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