Defiance Issues with Windows 10 Creator Update

April 14, 2017 | Etaew | Viewed 2,897 times |

If you receive the Windows 10 Creator Update you'll likely experience issues launching Defiance. In most cases you'll see a white screen when launching the game and it will quickly close down. We have a thread on this issue in our Bug Report forums.


Hey everyone,

If you receive the Windows 10 Creator Update you'll likely experience issues launching Defiance. In most cases you'll see a white screen when launching the game and it will quickly close down. We have a thread on this issue in our Bug Report forums.

We are working to get this addressed as quickly as possible and have made progress on a fix internally. This fix will still need additional testing by dev and QA to confirm it is working before it can be released. Our goal is to get this released early next week but we can't lock in a specific time frame until we've finished testing.

If you're able to avoid installing this Windows 10 update for the time being you should be able to play normally. If you already have the Creator update we'll post more details on the upcoming patch once we have the fix in place and ready to go.

Thanks very much,


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