
Filter: Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen Rudolph

Mount Tam

Marker List

Icon Marker Notes
Reindeer Marker 239

Coordinates: 1534, 926

Found Reindeer: Comet

Reindeer Marker 240

Coordinates: 1545, 1397

Found Reindeer: Prancer

Reindeer Marker 246

Coordinates: -89, 0

Found reindeer: Cupid

Reindeer Marker 261

Coordinates: 1454, 789

Found Reindeer: Vixen

Reindeer Marker 264

Coordinates: 1392, 950

Found Reindeer: Dancer

Reindeer Marker 265

Coordinates: -85, 9

Found reindeer: Dasher


Marker List

Icon Marker Notes
Reindeer Marker 242

Coordinates: 3800, 1627

Found Reindeer: Blitzen

Reindeer Marker 244

Coordinates: 3766, 1553

Found Reindeer: Rudolph

Reindeer Marker 252

Coordinates: 2432, 2031

Found Reindeer: Dasher

Reindeer Marker 258

Coordinates: 3590, 343

Found Reindeer: Dancer

Reindeer Marker 259

Coordinates: 2397, 755

Found Reindeer: Donner

Reindeer Marker 267

Coordinates: 2307, 765

Found Reindeer: Dasher


Marker List

Icon Marker Notes
Reindeer Marker 238

Coordinates: 2199, 2496

Found Reindeer: Vixen

Reindeer Marker 245

Coordinates: 3175, 2711

Found Reindeer: Cupid

Reindeer Marker 257

Coordinates: 2383, 2139

Found Reindeer: Prancer

Reindeer Marker 262

Coordinates: 3402, 2694

Found Reindeer: Cupid

Reindeer Marker 266

Coordinates: 2095, 2553

Found Reindeer: Rudolph


Marker List

Icon Marker Notes
Reindeer Marker 247

Coordinates: 3883, 4427

Found Reindeer: Dancer

Reindeer Marker 248

Coordinates: 3885, 4510

Found Reindeer: Vixen

Reindeer Marker 249

Coordinates: 3534, 4412

Found Reindeer: Comet

Reindeer Marker 253

Coordinates: 879, 3290

Found Reindeer: Blitzen

Reindeer Marker 254

Coordinates: 3507, 4493

Found Reindeer: Prancer

Reindeer Marker 255

Coordinates: 1868, 3906

Found Reindeer: Donner

Reindeer Marker 263

Coordinates: 869, 3252

Found Reindeer: Comet

San Francisco

Marker List

Icon Marker Notes
Reindeer Marker 250

Coordinates: 4997, 6700

Found Reindeer: Rudolph

Reindeer Marker 256

Coordinates: 3752, 6583

Found Reindeer: Blitzen

Reindeer Marker 260

Coordinates: 5236, 5606

Found Reindeer: Donner



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I am at same case... Need only Dancer but can't find it at any location...?


KatsukiPimentel posted:

Dancer isn't on any location on said maps. How can I find him?


7 years ago

Vixen is on top of Port Bruno. Climb ladder next to vendors.:]


8 years ago

Insanely PC-NA

Found another location for Donner at Port Bruno...

Out on docks, just pass the crane, 1st ship on right...


8 years ago

Dancer isn't on any location on said maps. How can I find him?

8 years ago

Vixen can be found behind the generator in Muir (2206, 2490)

9 years ago

Naina posted:

Ok, perhaps a silly question, but how do I find the coordinates in the game?


They're at the top left corner of the map. It says the region you're in (e.g. Madera) and under it, it shows you the coordinates.

9 years ago

Ok, perhaps a silly question, but how do I find the coordinates in the game?


9 years ago

RispoliAl posted:

ive  noticed  while playing  diffrent  servers show  diffrent deer IE: if  i find comet  someones see vixen at the  same time. cant  understand  that  ??

You can/should find every reindeer in the same shard/server :)

If you change a shard/server, the reindeer most likely will have changed their locations.

That means, every shard should have 9 reindeer total at any of our listed locations (we're still missing some), but these 9 reindeer can be at different locations.

9 years ago

kudos on the map btw..   :)

9 years ago

ive  noticed  while playing  diffrent  servers show  diffrent deer IE: if  i find comet  someones see vixen at the  same time. cant  understand  that  ??

9 years ago

ATTEE posted:

The "Donner" at Bloodbath Turnout is wrong, its actually Dancer

 Helpful as always! Thanks, Attee. Will change it :)


9 years ago


The "Donner" at Bloodbath Turnout is wrong, its actually Dancer

9 years ago

This really is awesome work! Thanks a lot mate.

9 years ago

At the ERep Camp I found Cupid at -98,-5. It's located really near the other placement.

Edit: Nevermind, I realize I was looking for Cupid on the bridge instead of where was listed. Sometimes, I just don't know about myself.

9 years ago

Mr XaatXuun posted:

posted image of Dasher , Iron Demon West

Awesome, thanks! Will add that location in a few.

9 years ago

posted image of Dasher , Iron Demon West

9 years ago

Rioreusu77 posted:

i have post two screenshot of the location of rudolph near muir power plant

i've post this here because i dont know if i cant place a marker myself on the map

Thank you for that! I added the marker + coordinates and uploaded your screenshots there

9 years ago

i have post two screenshot of the location of rudolph near muir power plant

i've post this here because i dont know if i cant place a marker myself on the map

9 years ago


Fuzzy, there are 4 known locations at Bloodbath Turnout, Dancer may spawn next to the wall, about 20 meters away from the Defiant Few mark (I mean the mark which is closer to the lockbox, not the one where Prancer spawn)

I have a screenshot of it if you need one.

EDIT: There is also another spawn location of Dasher at Iron Demon Ranch, West from the one you already added to the map. I have screenshot of that too.

9 years ago