Project Redemption Clan (XBOX-NA)

Hard working clan that strives off of teamwork and dedication to fellow gamers.

This clan is currently recruiting.

Managed by

 We are a clan that is friendly, and tries to help all new members enjoy the game better. We like to run in teams, and groups to help each other advance. We want to help as many new players as possible to help increase the popularity of the game. We will lend the best aid we can to any member/non-member to help them do what  they need to get done. So if u are a team player and want to play as a group and have fun while helping others let us know were always looking to get new recruits.

Founder: Mr Don Zakharov/Orion Zaydow

Co-founders: Demonic Driftr/H3LLBOUND 4NG3L, Don F Zakharov

If you would like to know more information feel free to message Mr Don Zakharov or Demonic Driftr and we will respond appropriately and hopefully in a timely manner.


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