
This npc is part of the Afflicted faction.

Heavy melee unit, moves slowly has a powerful attack which knocks you down.


Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Trembler"
Thread Author Created
Afflicted and 99ners Expeditions - Update Superiority syn Wagner Serrato 5 years ago
Las Plagas (Afflicted Expedition) Wagner Serrato 7 years ago



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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

These guys always get me when they explode :(

11 years ago

KEEP THEM AT A DISTANCE. Between their "knock you on your ass" melee attack and the fact that they explode when they die, getting up close with these guys is a losing proposition.

11 years ago

Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Yup the Bolinas Smeltary siege will count.

11 years ago

other than that you can also encounter them (en mass) in the bolinas refinery siege (which i believe borderlines marin and sausalito area) so they should count there too

11 years ago

Thanks, I'll go check that out and see what I come up with. 

On another note, just want to say thanks for the website. It has been a great help while playing the game. And your response time on comments is amazing too.

11 years ago

Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

From the data collected so far, we have only spotted the E-Rep Soldier Camp emergency in Marin.

11 years ago

Are those like the hostages on the side of the road? Been trying to do this for a hour.

Found the others in Mount Tam and Madera, but can't find anything in Marin.

11 years ago

They generally appear towards the end of the emergencies mate.

11 years ago

Where can I find these tremblers in Marin? I've been driving all over and come across all the other enemies, but no tremblers? 

11 years ago

You will find these mobs in new emergencies that have been added recently (a few days after 1.020)


11 years ago

weak spots on this mob are the large pink coloured boils over its body headshots do no additional damage unless hitting the boils from above/behind the head

11 years ago