Arctic Assassin Pack Packs

To go along with the Winter Bash Update, we’re also releasing the brand new Arctic Assassin Pack! Available for 2600 Credits, this pack ensures your hunts throughout the cold winter months will be fruitful.


  • ‘SB-32 Freezer Burn’ (image) An incendiary detonator that fires snowballs. Burn and freeze your foes at the same time!
  • ‘Arctic Assassin’ Outfit + Headgear. This stylish combo allows you to blend in with your surroundings during the winter months, and look quite dapper the rest of the year.
  • Vehicle: Duni Shetarru Racer “Avalanche”
  • Titles: ‘Arctic Assassin’ and ‘Special Snowflake’
  • 30-day Patron Pass


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