Why the PTS is PC only

January 11, 2015 | | Viewed 3,625 times | PTS,

An explanation why PTS is PC only

After this question was almost asked weekly, PhantasieTrion stickied a thread with an explanation of one of the bigger reasons why the PTS is PC only.


The PTS is PC only because of lots of reasons. PhantasieTrion summarized one of the bigger ones:

  • One of the major reasons: Certification times
    • A build can take up to two weeks to be certified
    • No changes can be made to a build during that time
  • PTS gets sometimes updated multiple times per day
  • With fixing the bugs, certification times etc it could take a month until a build is on console PTS
    • Negating the benefits of the PTS

Here his full explanation:

 Hi Guys

I've posted on this a few times before, but having PTS on consoles is way beyond the scope of what's reasonable.

There are many reasons, both development and business oriented.

One of the major ones (but not even close to the only one) is certification times. It can take upwards to two weeks just to certify a build. No changes can be made to the client during that certification period. Sometimes we update PC PTS multiple times per day. A two week update delay almost completely negates the benefit of a PTS environment in the first place. And in reality it would be longer. We need the time to fix bugs and prepare for the certification submission. This could easily add more than a month to the time we have an update ready to when it shows up on console PTS, compared to a couple hours on PC. In that month, it is likely many of the bugs on the console version of PTS would have been fixed on PC, which would cause additional confusion and complicates tracking.



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