Even cybernetically enhanced Ark Hunters surviving on a post-apocalyptic, partially terraformed world love a good bargain! Pick up these massive savings during our Black Friday events. *
This year we’re happy to introduce the Black Friday Bargain Box to Defiance 2050! These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in game: weapons, mods, grenades, weapon skins, Ark Salvage, and Scrip.
Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the 13 dropped prototype weapons (including 2 brand-new weapons: The Tempest and Goliath). Plus, they have a rare chance of granting the exclusive APS Vagabond vehicle.
In addition to everything else, we’re also turning on boosts of up to 100% on XP, Reputation, Skill, and Score.
Don’t miss out on this celebration of holiday cheer in the New Frontier!
* Exact times and dates vary by platform and region. Console dates are approximately Nov. 15 – 26. PC dates are Nov. 21 – 27. Check in game for specific details in your region.
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: https://www.trionworlds.com/defiance/en/2018/11/21/defiance-2050-black-friday-event/
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