Updating Power Growth Rate

February 27, 2015 | | Viewed 6,067 times | Game Mechanics, Alcatraz,

Changes to the Power Growth Rate for Egos 10 to 4.500, coming with Alcatraz.

Rashere just posted an explanation on upcoming changes to the power growth rate.

Source: http://forums.defiance.com/showthread.php?205382-Updating-Power-Growth-Rate

Updates to Power Growth Rate (EGO 10 to 4.500)

What is that actually?

  • It is the power your character (and NPCs) gain when you increase your ego
  • This includes things like:
    • Base Health
    • Weapon Damage
    • Shield capacity
  • NPCs have similar stats that are affected as well

Why change it?

  • Current curve has significant spikes. This could mean:
    • Huge spikes in a 500 EGO Range
    • Then very little power over a 500 EGO Range
  • NPCs follow the same curve, so this wasn't a problem when fighting NPCs on your EGO
  • It became a problem when fighting NPCs above your EGO

What did Rashere change?

  • He smoothed the power curve
  • Overall growth from EGO 10 to 4.500 is the same but at a steadier rate
  • NPCs follow the same curve
    • There should be no noticeable difference in fighting NPCs on your ego
    • Situations with NPCs above your EGO Rating becoming much more difficult shouldn't happen anymore
  • Stats on your gear might be affected (increase/decrease) but it makes no difference since NPCs follow the same curve as you



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