Sustained Suppression Synergy (Mods)

Sustained Suppression Crate / Store (July 2015)

Items from the Lockstock: Sustained Supression Crate


  • [1]: 10% Health
  • [2]: -15% Reload
  • [3]: 5% EGO power recharge on full reload (Cooldown: 7s)
  • [4]: EGO power grants an additional 10% damage and fire rate
Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Sustained Suppression"

Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "Sustained Suppression"

CM Kiwibird: Give Your EGO a Boost with the Sustained Suppression Synergy

9 years ago (July 29, 2015, 6:58 pm)

Ark hunters,

Our new synergy is here! From now until August 25, your EGO will get a huge boost with...

CM Kiwibird: Give Your EGO a Boost with the Sustained Suppression Synergy

9 years ago (July 29, 2015, 10:29 pm)

Will be resolved with the next hotfix. :)

Destromathe: Give Your EGO a Boost with the Sustained Suppression Synergy

9 years ago (August 4, 2015, 8:37 pm)

Hey MickB. The box is currently available on the Defiance store. In regards to questions about the [4] part of the synergy, this does indeed trigger when you have an EGO ability currently on. So if...

CM Kiwibird: Let Those Bullets Fly with the Raven Jackpot

9 years ago (August 11, 2015, 5:47 pm)

Good news, ark hunters: Now through August 25, every Sustained Suppression Crate has a chance to contain...

CM Kiwibird: Save Big on Raven: Sustained Suppression Crates Until August 24!

9 years ago (August 21, 2015, 10:32 pm)

Incoming, ark hunters! Now until August 24, you’ll save 25% on Raven: Sustained Suppression Crates in the...

Destromathe: Attention any DEV who cares

7 years ago (January 18, 2017, 10:23 pm)

We have indeed identified a bug with the 4 set portion of the Sustained Suppression synergy. To be clear, the current bug is that upon switching weapons, the synergy will begin the cooldown for your...

Rarnok: SS Syn bonus malfunction

7 years ago (August 22, 2017, 8:10 pm)

We have tested Sustained Suppression internally and are unable to reproduce the issue you are describing. As stated previously in the thread, Sustained Suppression requires the weapon to be equipped...


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