7th Legion Factions

The 7th Legion is a decommissioned military unit that lives on as a mercenary company. They now specialize in battling Volge, Hellbug, and Scrapper incursions.


Name Task Type Active

Honor in the Shadow of Death

  • Complete Arkfalls, Arkbreaks, Sieges and Incursions to earn 7th Legion's Favor. (25)



Incursion Breaker

  • Complete any Incursion



Incursion Crusher

  • Complete any incursion (5)



Pride in Victory

  • Complete Arkfalls, Arkbreaks, Sieges and Incursions to earn 7th Legion's Favor. (5)



Triple Threat

  • Defeat a Hellbug Hellion
  • Defeat a Progenitor Core
  • Defeat a Dark Matter Monolith



Faction Vendor

Vendor Icon

Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "7th Legion"
Thread Author Created
Does faction rank go higher than honored? torch327 3 years ago
7th legion dlc bugged? fm0987 4 years ago
Game Guide : All Synergy's + short forms for trading Oneworld100 4 years ago
Broken Daily's! nate van 6 years ago
Vender power rating falcon9ner 6 years ago
Synergy greyed out Alan1979 6 years ago
Doing dales to get daily acclimation bigpunch 6 years ago
Defiance Faction Outfits ILOGAIN 6 years ago
Incursions being added? Hibanaa 6 years ago
7th legion amakuni Lajira 7 years ago
What the jek, no confirmation on vendors? Accidental purchase, waste of rep fm0987 7 years ago
7th Legion Supply Crates Bugged Aragorn8354 7 years ago
No gulanite from 7th legion Mckllrx 7 years ago
Xbox 360 dlc and patron pass locked Sgt iceman 7 years ago
Defiance DLC's DeathBringer0007 7 years ago
kougeki Lamar Kendrick 8 years ago
1375 7th legion rep points poof gone Savagekiller69 8 years ago
Your thoughts on 7th legion Kougeki noaQuracy 8 years ago
7th legion box issue Xbl element 8 years ago
Are there Orange 7th Legion swords? Tilarta 8 years ago
The new Malicious Mirage vendor at Water Temple r1p 8 years ago
7th Legion Rep Bartoft 8 years ago
When do DLC's go on sale? Creativly 8 years ago
Virtue's dmg franky93 8 years ago
7th legion reputation stuck at 1300/1300 Lamar Kendrick 8 years ago


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Note: Incursions will also reward rep for this faction directly at the end of the final battle. The amount seems to vary based on how high you scored.

I seem to also be getting Defiant Few faction rep this way, but I've not directly seen which event is rewarding it. Just realized it was the patron rep boost that was making me get odd numbers. I feel silly now.

10 years ago