Another Lost Soul Missions (Side Mission)

Another Lost Soul is a Side Mission mission found in Sausalito.

Paul Hammes, one of the hands over at the Kenn Farm, has gone missing. I was able to lock down a location by tracing his hailer. Go check it out. I got a bad feeling about it, so if he's...Hell. Too damn many of these lately. If you find anything I'm sure his family would appreciate it.

Requires completion of Main Mission - Lend a Hand.

  • Check the hailer's location
  • Find Paul Hammes (Pick up photograph of Hammes family)
  • Send photograph to Cooper (APS Dropbox)


Reward Description

1000 Experience

Experience fills the experience bar and when full raises your EGO Rating.

105 Scrip

Scrip is the basic monetary currency. Players can carry as much of this as they want, and also trade it with other players.

Mod Cache

Contains a random weapon mod, uncommon and rare rarities.

Mission Start
Check the hailer's location
Find Paul Hammes
(Pick up photograph of Hammes family)
Send photograph to Cooper
(APS Dropbox)


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