Distress Call Missions (Main Mission)

Distress Call is a Main Mission mission found in Marin.

With Echelon mercenaries in the area, it's not safe to talk over the airwaves. Meet up with Von Bach and Rosa at Top-Notch to formulate a new plan to find the ark-cell.

Requires completion of Main Mission - A Disturbing Discovery.

  • Investigate the dam
  • Rescue Varus


Reward Description

3500 Experience

Experience fills the experience bar and when full raises your EGO Rating.

500 Scrip

Scrip is the basic monetary currency. Players can carry as much of this as they want, and also trade it with other players.

Subject VS05V - Session 1

Session Recording of Dr. Vada Ilen

Grind Fragger

Capable of fully automatic fire

Mission Start
Investigate the dam
Rescue Varus


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