Jackpot Weapon in T4 Lockboxes with T2/T3 Arkforge Changes

August 12, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 5,536 times |

Rarnok has posted an announcement letting us know about some upcoming changes to the tiered lockboxes.

  • Tier 4 Lock Boxes will start to drop a jackpot weapon with a useful set of bonuses, nano and synergy.
  • Tier 2 and 3 Lock Boxes will now have a chance to drop 20 Arkforge
  • Tier 2 Lock Boxes will no longer drop legendary items

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 For quite some time, Tier 4 Lock Boxes have been considered a less valuable investment for many ark hunters. Currently on PTS, and in an upcoming patch to live, we will increase the value of these boxes by adding a chance at a jackpot weapon in addition to its normal contents.

We will be rotating which weapon is granted from the jackpot roll, but it will always be a highly sought-after legendary weapon with set rarity bonuses and a meaningful synergy.

We're happy to announce that the first jackpot weapon will be an EEC HP-7 Wildcat with the Assassin synergy and Radiation nano.

Left: Out of the Box | Right: Modded w/ mastery

To accompany this change, we've made some adjustments to Tier 2 and Tier 3 Lock Boxes. These will now drop arkforge in increments of 20. Additionally, Tier 2 lockboxes now no longer drop legendary items. These changes have been made to reinforce the value of the tiers in lock boxes.


  • Like the Castithan Charge Blade that drops from the T4 lockboxes, will this not require Gunslinger DLC to use?
  • Will the jackpot weapon drop at your EGO Rating and require heavy investment of Arkforge to remain usable?
  • What are they really saying about the Arkforge in the T2 and T3 lockboxes?
  • What chance does this jackpot weapon actually have of dropping?
  • Will there really be only a single mod slot unlocked as in this image?


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Where do we get legendary grenades now?
I've only ever pulled legendary grenades from tier2 boxes...

10 years ago

So we are back to either buying up a boat load of T2 boxes for arkforge, or taking a small gamble (probably a 1% chance) to get a jackpot weapon. I am happy because it can give me a chance to get me some stronger versions of sought after weapons but if its only a 1-5% change, then it may not be worth it when I can buy 8 T2 boxes for the price of 1 T4 box and just forge my current versions of the weapons.

10 years ago