Solstice Strike 2019 Patch Notes

December 16, 2019 | Etaew | Viewed 2,214 times | Patch,

Solstice Strike has come to Defiance! Get ready to battle with the Abominable Warmaster and the Volge Grinches in special summoned Minor, Major Arkfalls and Christmas Warmaster Arkbreaks!

Solstice Strike will run for four weeks from 2019/12/16 until 2020/01/13 and brings with its new synergy, jackpots, crates and more!

New Synergy: Fatal Phantom

Our new synergy is here! Appropriately launching in the New Year, stay on target with the Fatal Phantom. Collect the whole set to unlock a special bonus.
  • [1] +10% Rate of Fire / +10% Mag
  • [2] +15% EGO ability recharge on dodge roll (Cooldown: 10s)
  • [3] On dodge roll, spawn a decoy for 6s (Cooldown: 10s)
  • [4] +15% Damage

Fatal Phantasm Supply Crate

The Fatal Phantasm Supply Crates are finally here!
  • Chance at one of the 7 Fatal Phantasm jackpot weapons!
  • Limited time box contains 1 epic or better Phantasm weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited Fatal Phantasm mod synergy!
  • Included weapon types: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Pulser, Auto-Shotgun, Guided Launcher, Northstar Blaze, and Auto Lobber.
  • All Phantasm weapons provide +10% Movement speed!
  • Obtainable at Vendor + Defiance Store

New Jackpots

During the Solstice Strike event there’s a chance got get one of the seven Jackpots. There’s no time to waste!
  • Illusion
  • Ethereal
  • Apparition
  • Hallucination
  • Spectre
  • Incorporeal
  • Shade

Frostbringer Pack

The Frostbringer Pack is only available during the Solstice Strike event and features a Snowman Launcher, Gift Detonator, vehicle and title. Get it in the Defiance Store until January 13th.
  • RM Renegade "Frostbringer" van
  • Naughty – Snowman Launcher
  • Nice – Gift Detonator
  • “Frostbringer” Title for all characters

Fatal Phantasm Supply Crate

Celebrate Solstice Strike with an event supply crate Now until January 13, Fatal Phantasm Supply Crate will be available on the store. These crates will only be available for a limited time, so stock up now!

We hope that you will enjoy this unique event. Happy Holidays!

Your Defiance Team

This article was automatically generated from official news posts.



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Muito bom esse jogo 

5 years ago