Trees planted in the Bay Area Frontier serves to protect, provide and nurture the transformed landscape of the planet. During the Pale Wars our planet has been considerably changed, with new topography, the extinction of known plant and animal species and the emergence of new species named mutants.
Nowadays we’ve been getting many reports that these species are involved in the mass destruction of trees. Details are still coming in, but we know that Earth can be saved only if we eliminate them… together!
Hurry and help us to make a Mutant free Paradise!
What is Mutant Free Paradise Community Event?
Players will be asked to target listed species in the game during the given time frame. You simply login into the game and execute against the challenge provided. Just contribute whenever you can!
Each week, there will be a new challenge announced that you will have to achieve together by playing. Spend some time as a community by killing listed species to make a mutant free Paradise.
Week 4 (May 1, 10 AM PDT – May 5, 10 AM PDT): Minigunner extermination
This week’s community target is to kill a total of 15000 selected Minigunners with the following name plates:
If the target is reached before May 5, 10 AM PDT every qualified player will get rewarded with the following:
Defiance 2050:
6x 99 Problems Cache
If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:
2x 99 Problems Cache
1 x Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate+2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache
If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:
2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache
Additionally, top 3 most contributing players may obtain special forum title and discord role “Mutant Fighter” until July 1, 2020 – This reward is optional (Will be applied after the event).
Event Rules
Ark Hunters, our community is under attack. We must work as a team or Earth will have no future!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
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Stratotech Defiance 2050 [Source]
3PL9 WDFG DKPR 9LE7 P7Y7 [Redeem]