Extra Life 2014 Guide

October 21, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 11,136 times | Events,

Saturday, October 25 for 24 hours fight new arkfalls to obtain a selection of new weapons, shields and  a chance at a Halo headgear, all for charity.

  • 1 new Minor Arkfall
  • 11 new Weapons
  • 2 new Shields
  • 1 new Headgear

DD's Extra Life Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win various editions of the game. Draw completed.

New Arkfalls


  • ExtraLivelyHellbugs (minor)
    • Kill hellbugs for sick kids!
  • Extra Hellbugs, Extra Life! (major wrapper)

New Weapons

Seen with The Way of Change, Wetwork, Firewall and standard synergies.

New Shields

  • EXL Dire Reprieve
  • EXL Last Hope

New Outfits

  • Halo headgear


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nice  thanks

10 years ago