Belle Starr, Confessions of an Ark Hunter: Episode Nine – From Here to There

October 22, 2014 | Belle Starr | Viewed 4,123 times | Belle Starr, Confessions of an Ark Hunter,

Belle Starr, Confessions of an Ark Hunter: Episode Nine – From Here to There

Well, all this way through the San Francisco wasteland, and an empty ark break, no Grid, no Volge, no War Master! This really bugs me! My clan mates who made up my team were sure this would be a big score! Belle thought bitterly as he closed her blue diamond eyes in thought, “I wish I was still at The Crater!” muttered Belle to herself.

The heat of sunlight on her freckled face made Belle open her blue eyes with a start. To her surprise, she was outside at the side of a road, a road that looked oddly familiar. She turned around, seeing the short bridge leading right to a building gaily decorated with strings of lights and a white fence beyond it. It looked like The Crater, but that was miles away from where the empty Ark break was, so she rubbed her eyes to make sure it wasn’t a mirage.

MOM, Belle thought to her EGO device through the telepathic connection they shared, Where the heck are we?

The Crater, Belle! Answered MOM, the white hologram image named by Belle on a whim, basing the name on an acronym for Mechanism Optional Mind.

Where is the rest of the team? Asked Belle, her eyes narrowed in concern.

They are still at the Ark Break, I assume, MOM replied.

You assume! Belle raised her blond eyebrows in surprise, Why don’t you know for sure, MOM?

Because they are located outside of my radar range silly! Answered MOM with a hint of amusement in her voice. I assume they are still there, because they were a few minutes ago, before we teleported here!

Teleported here!?!?! Teleportation is not one of the EGO powers, is it? Belle’s jaw dropped and she turned even paler then her normal pale skin tone as she queried MOM, HOW? WHY?

Well, the why is simpler than the how, Began MOM. You wished you were still at The Crater, so I took you as close as I could! Easy-Pleasey!

As to the how, MOM continued, All EGO’s have the potential to teleport over long distances, but many ark hunters don’t know to use it or prefer to drive their vehicles everywhere, but there are some limitations.

Limitations? What limitations? Asked Belle, smiling wryly as she started to see the benefits of this new development, but wary of the catch.

MOM began to list them off, First, I can teleport you from anywhere, but only to select points on the map. I’m not sure how far in between the points yet, but I think quite far, say the distance from Mt. Tam to the Silicone Valley! Anyway, the destination has to be along certain magnetic lines in the Earth, what might have been called ley lines or Feng Shui in more primitive times. Second, the destination point has to be one you have visited and can visualize in your mind’s eye. Third, the destination point has to be outdoors, because if I teleport you indoors, there is an exponentially increased probability that I could materialize you inside a material object, and that would kill you! That’s why I couldn’t teleport you into the inside of The Crater.

Belle visibly winced at the way MOM had put the third limitation as it meant there might be a chance of teleporting into a material object even if the destination was outside, although a much smaller chance.

Okay MOM, Belle ordered, Teleport me back to the team at the ark break please!

No can do, Dear! MOM said with emphasis, The Ark Break is not along one of the magnetic ley lines I need for a destination point and furthermore, I don’t even know if your friends are still there or not, or even together! I suppose I might be able to teleport you to specific people if they are still at that place!

Belle hoped her clan mates wouldn’t worry too much and ordered MOM to message them if and when any of her team’s EGOs came into range to assure them she was okay. She adjusted the strap of the custom Headshot sniper rifle over her shoulder, and began the short hike to her little blue trailer past the white fence. After she dumped her weapons and changed into a more casual outfit than her Liberty Trooper armor, Belle would have a glass of Champagne at The Crater… or maybe a bottle!


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