Defiance 2.404 (hotfix)

December 6, 2014 | | Viewed 2,381 times | Patch,

Fixes for Time Trials, Tarr Family Weekly and some features introduced with Aftermath

* Fixed an issue causing Time Trials to give the incorrect ranking.
* The auto-salvage system will now only auto-salvage looted items.
* Fixed a bug with the Auto-Salvage On Loot (Full Inventory) menu option that could cause item duplication.
* Fixed an issue with swapping weapons that was causing the most common server crash to occur.

* The Dark Matter Extraction Force & New Frontier Harvest Major Arkfall events in Silicon Valley should now properly advance the following:
- Defiant Few - Major Problems Contract
- Tarr Family - Trouble in Threes Contract
* Fixed a server crash related to incomplete Salvage Matrix actions.
* Formidable level Mutant Minigunners & Grenadiers now count towards the following:
- The Defiant Few - A Few Threats Weekly Contract
- The Snake's Bite Pursuit
- The Snake's Bite II Pursuit

* Updated the Elite Lock Box jackpot item to Reckoning, a special Tachmag Pulser variant.


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