Want to Update our Database or News Pages?

August 30, 2015 | Etaew | Viewed 1,413 times |

Due to various reasons, lately both me (Etaew) and Fuzzy have had increasingly limited amount of time to spend on updating the site. From updating the database to posting news, we're appealing to the Defiance community for help from any interested parties.

Want to update the database?

To ensure quality we have very limited permissions set on Defiance Data.

If you want to update the database you will have to notify us of changes that should be made over a period of time before permissions to do things yourself are granted.

Want to point out something that needs changing? or want to provide the needed changes?

Mail Etaew on Defiance Data Mail

Want to post news articles?

News articles take the form of official news from Trion, livestream coverage, event guides, or highlights from the dev posts on the forums.

If you want to post a news article you will have to provide a sample news article as a draft guide, or contents mailed to Etaew over a period of time before permissions to publish them yourself are granted.

Want to point out something we should post as news? or want to provide a sample news article?

Mail Etaew on Defiance Data Mail


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