Seasonal Arkhunters - Hypothetical Features

September 8, 2015 | Etaew | Viewed 1,714 times | Hypothetical Features,

I continue my journey exploring several games and highlighting features that would be interesting if they made it into Defiance. This time inspired by a certain clicky clicky game I investigate the concept of Seasonal Arkhunters or Pursuits.

Hypothetical Warning

This is a discussion on features that COULD be added, NOT WILL be added.

Seasonal Arkhunters

A limited period of time to create new characters.

Each season introduces a specific limited focus.


  • Provide a reason to start characters fresh
  • Have a more rewarding gameplay as providing more frequent upgrades. (New characters will upgrade gear more frequently than a maxxed out character)

Limited EGO Grids and Weapons

Seasonal Arkhunters could take the form of new "classes". And the way that we should determine classes is through EGO Powers and Perks, and Weapons.

Engineer - Seasonal Arkhunter


Turret Shields

Adds shields to Turret

  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
  5. 125%

Turret Armor

Increases turret health

  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
  5. 125%

Another perk

Turret Weapons

Increases turret damage

  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
  5. 125%

Deploy Turret

Deploys a sentry turret at your current location.

  1. 5 seconds
  2. 10 seconds
  3. 15 seconds
  4. 20 seconds
  5. 25 seconds

Another perk

Another perk

Another perk

Another perk


Seasonal Pursuits and Leaderboards

My class ideas have always been controversial, so this is your way out ;)

Seasonal Pursuits could operate on their own without the Seasonal Arkhunters.

Seasonal Pursuits

Could take the form of each pursuit in the game, if we are going with the concept of rolling a new character each season.

Alternatively it could just be a set of objectives that are set for a shorter season term, to complete with your main character. Essentially a larger version of a weekly quest.

Account-wide Bonuses on Completion

Completing the seasonal pursuits will unlock unique account-wide bonuses.


  • A companion Ark Hunter NPC for use in conflict sites / co-op maps
  • A unique outfit
  • A unique jackpot weapon
  • Other desirable things that would enhance your main character


After a season ends a leaderboard can be posted showing the first x number of people to complete each pursuit on each platform from seasonal characters.


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