EGO Evolution VI Pursuit

A powerful EGO will gain the host many allies, but none more valuable than the EGO itself.

This pursuit is for Defiance Classic.

  • Reach EGO Rating 4000
  • Fully upgrade 80 perks
  • Equip orange weapons, grenade, and shield in all slots
  • Fully upgrade the Cloak, Blur, Overcharge, and Decoy EGO Powers
  • Reach Trusted status with Von Bach, Soleptor and Top-Notch
  • 40 EGO Rating
  • EGO Master Title
  • Ark Predator Headgear
  • Ark Predator Outfit

Defiance 2050 Pursuit

EGO Evolution VI


  • Reach EGO Level 50 (50)
  • Equip Legendary weapons, grenade, and shield in all slots


  • 40 Pursuit Rating
  • EGO Master Title
  • 40 Ark Hunter Bounties

Pursuit: General - EGO Evolution

Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "EGO Evolution VI"
Thread Author Created
Help with EGO Evolution VI SilentNinja 9 years ago
Ego Evolution VI - possible Bug. MagnusRune Daltus 10 years ago
EGO Evolution VI Hafnium_Lion 10 years ago
Finished EGO Evolution VI darr ell 10 years ago
EGO Evolution VI is NOT progressing.... MadDogTremor 10 years ago


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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

ceoiii1117 posted:

They pulled the Echelon requirement from this pursuit.

Thanks for the reminder, for edit history.

Changed to

10 years ago

They pulled the Echelon requirement from this pursuit.

10 years ago