Wetwork Synergy (Weapons and Shield)

Corporate Espionage Lock Box / Store (August 2014)

Can only be found on weapons in Corporate Espionage Lock Boxes


  • [1]: On shield break, grant 15% damage for 5s to surrounding allies. (Cooldown: 30s)
  • [2]: On shield break, gain 15% armor penetration for 5s. (Cooldown: 30s)
  • [3]: +10% damage when shield is down.
Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Wetwork"
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Wetwork syn not fully lighting any idea? mystickaldj 8 years ago
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Wetwork and other things Sir Dan 10 years ago
Wow Wetwork shields lose Synergy KILLSHOT707 10 years ago
Can the new synergies be found on loot drops and rewards? Nefarious 10 years ago

Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "Wetwork"

Atticus Batman: Simple Warmaster Guide

10 years ago (November 20, 2014, 7:57 am)

I use Firewall.

I say make your Wetwork army and add in a supplemental troop of Firewall weilders to keep some health regen going.


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