FRC SAW (Light Machine Guns) Weapon

Weapon Builder

Low rate of fire and high recoil make this a good extended fire suppression weapon

Attaching mods to your weapon will adjust the appearance of those areas.


Important Note: These stats are not 100% confirmed, they may need to be adjusted based on bonus rolls or mods. Especially the DMG values, since Power Rating and Rarity now affect them.

Crit Mult1.5x
Fire Rate8.0

Possible Masteries

Show/Hide Mastery Rolls

Common Mastery Rolls

x1.03 Clip Size

Uncommon Mastery Rolls

x1.06 Clip Size

x0.94 Reload Time

Rare Mastery Rolls

+15% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

10 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

10 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.03 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.09 Clip Size

x0.91 Reload Time

x0.95 Spread

Epic Mastery Rolls

x1.1 +10% Movement Speed

+30% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

15 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

15 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.2 -20% Reload while standing still

x1.05 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.15 Clip Size

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 5 seconds

x1.08 Rate of Fire

x0.8 Recoil Per Shot

x0.88 Reload Time

x0.9 Spread

Legendary Mastery Rolls

x1.15 +15% Movement Speed

+45% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

25 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

25 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.3 -30% Reload while standing still

x1.08 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.3 Clip Size

x1.15 Critical Multiplier

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 10 seconds

x1.1 Rate of Fire

x0.75 Recoil Per Shot

x0.85 Reload Time

x0.85 Spread

Supreme Mastery Rolls

x1.2 +20% Movement Speed

+50% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

35 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

35 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.4 -40% Reload while standing still

x1.1 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.45 Clip Size

x1.2 Critical Multiplier

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 15 seconds

x1.12 Rate of Fire

x0.6 Recoil Per Shot

x0.8 Reload Time

x0.8 Spread

Possible Bonus Rolls

Show/Hide Bonus Rolls

Weapons created after February 2015

Common Bonus Rolls

3 Aim and Hip Damage

15 Clip Size

5 Critical Multiplier

3 Rate of Fire

-10 Recoil Per Shot

-10 Reload Time

-2 Spread

Uncommon Bonus Rolls

5 Aim and Hip Damage

30 Clip Size

15 Critical Multiplier

5 Rate of Fire

-25 Recoil Per Shot

-15 Reload Time

-5 Spread

Rare Bonus Rolls

8 Aim and Hip Damage

45 Clip Size

25 Critical Multiplier

10 Rate of Fire

-40 Recoil Per Shot

-20 Reload Time

-10 Spread

Epic Bonus Rolls

+5% Durability Damage

+5% Shield Damage

On full reload, +3% Shield Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

On full reload, +3% Life Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

+5% Armor Penetration

10% EGO power recharge on full reload

+5% Health Damage

10% EGO power recharge on critical kill

Legendary Bonus Rolls

12 Aim and Hip Damage

60 Clip Size

30 Critical Multiplier

15 Rate of Fire

-50 Recoil Per Shot

-30 Reload Time

Supreme Bonus Rolls

15 Aim and Hip Damage

75 Clip Size

35 Critical Multiplier

20 Rate of Fire

-40 Reload Time

Weapons created before February 2015

Common Bonus Rolls

5 Clip Size

-5 Reload Time

-0.1 Spread

Uncommon Bonus Rolls

10 Clip Size

15 Critical Multiplier

3 Rate of Fire

-0.1 Recoil Per Shot

-10 Reload Time

-0.3 Spread

Rare Bonus Rolls

5 Aim and Hip Damage

15 Clip Size

25 Critical Multiplier

-0.2 Recoil Per Shot

-15 Reload Time

-0.5 Spread

Epic Bonus Rolls

+15% DMG on next grenade after a kill (expires after 10 sec.)

10% EGO power recharge on full reload

25% of stowed weapon clip reloaded on a kill

10% EGO power recharge on critical kill

Legendary Bonus Rolls

10 Aim and Hip Damage

25 Clip Size

10 Rate of Fire

Supreme Bonus Rolls

+5% Durability Damage

On full reload, +3% Shield Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

+5% Health Damage

+5% Armor Penetration

On full reload, +3% Life Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

+5% Shield Damage

Contained In

Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "FRC SAW"
Thread Author Created
Check out what I got for sell. Xbox 360 iiShy Vulpes 9 years ago
taking offers.. skoobusmaximus 9 years ago
Gun Rolls Switching on Upgrade. jremarks 9 years ago
Blessed be your name. Eleni 9 years ago
weapon damage q urdeth 10 years ago
Any one in favor of LM-43 Thunder KirisameSatsuki 10 years ago
Some question about weapon diff and names KirisameSatsuki 10 years ago
Need input for my FRC Saw mod Cymerian 10 years ago
FRC Saw worth upgrading to orange? Cymerian 10 years ago
Apparently the Upgrade Rarity feature is awful... would it be worth it in this case? superpangolin 10 years ago
T/o ego 4.621 on assassin frc saw CHAERLEY MATHEWS 10 years ago
Anyone can help me with Trion maths and 0.0 reload shotgun ? Epic Fail 10 years ago
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Well the botched patch wasn't all bad... RogueNineCH 11 years ago
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Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "FRC SAW"

Rashere: the frc saw(could use an answer phantasie)

10 years ago (September 11, 2014, 1:50 am)

Moof, I'm going to start looking at weapons in general in the near future, but more with an eye toward cleaning things up (weird rolls, etc.) and buffing up weaker weapons so they are legit choices...

Bentu: P/c on oj frc saw

10 years ago (January 11, 2015, 10:14 am)

I would say roughly 800k as saws don't demand the price they once used to.

Edit just reread and saw the ego, yeah cancel the pc above.

Bentu: Wtb frc saw

9 years ago (January 26, 2015, 2:25 am)

I believe I have what you're looking for.


FRC Saw ego 4297
Grenadier no nano
It has t3 mods on but only 2 are the matching syn
Xp 8% ego power on crit kill
Reload 0.95
Reload 0.90


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