New Consumable: Shrill Grenade

June 24, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 3,054 times |

New Grenades have been added to Supplies Vendors across Paradise Territory named Shrill Grenades.

New Grenades have been added to Supplies Vendors across Paradise Territory named Shrill Grenades.

Reports are coming in from reliable ark hunters that VBI-manufactured shrill grenades have found their way to certain enterprising vendors in the Bay Area. These relics of the Pale Wars are not your standard munitions: they’re packed with low-yield explosives and resilient shrill larvae. These voracious alien spores burrow into their food (read: exposed flesh), penetrating armor plates and robbing the victim wearing them of their damage-mitigating properties.

Shrill grenades are considered “dirty” biological weapons and the parasite-laden bombs have historically been used for terrorist purposes. Ark hunters who find themselves in possession of these explosives should be keenly aware: shrill larvae do not discriminate who they feed on and will gladly feast on the foolish who clumsily stumble into their own grenade’s area of effect. Consider this a strong warning to those who decide to add them to their arsenals!

Source: Community Blog


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