April 12, 2015 | | Viewed 13,011 times | Alcatraz,
With Alcatraz, the ego Cap will be raised by 100 EGO and is now 6.000.
In the beginning of the game, the EGO Cap was at 5.000. This changed with DLC 5: Arktech Revolution.
Between DLC 5 and the Silicon Valley Patch, there hasn't been a hard cap on the EGO Rating. There however has been a soft-cap at 5.500 on weapon damage and shield capacity.
Silicon Valley reinstated a hard cap on EGO Rating of 5.900. The soft-cap of 5.500 EGO on weapon damage and shield capacity is still in place.
Alcatraz raises the EGO Cap by 100 points to EGO 6.000. The soft-cap is gone, so it now is important to have your weapons on your exact ego!
To reach max level, you don't have to do all pursuits.
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