EGO Caps

April 12, 2015 | | Viewed 12,924 times | Alcatraz,

With Alcatraz, the ego Cap will be raised by 100 EGO and is now 6.000.

History of EGO Caps

Beginning of the game (April '13) - DLC 5 (March '14)

In the beginning of the game, the EGO Cap was at 5.000. This changed with DLC 5: Arktech Revolution.

DLC 5 - Silicon Valley Patch (August '14)

Between DLC 5 and the Silicon Valley Patch, there hasn't been a hard cap on the EGO Rating. There however has been a soft-cap at 5.500 on weapon damage and shield capacity.

Soft-Cap means:

  • Your weapon damage and shield capacity only raised by 3-5 points per 100 EGO

Silicon Valley Patch - Alcatraz (April '15)

Silicon Valley reinstated a hard cap on EGO Rating of 5.900. The soft-cap of 5.500 EGO on weapon damage and shield capacity is still in place.


Alcatraz raises the EGO Cap by 100 points to EGO 6.000. The soft-cap is gone, so it now is important to have your weapons on your exact ego!


To reach max level, you don't have to do all pursuits.

Look at a Breakdown of EGO Rating here


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