Chaos (Assault Rifles) Weapon

Weapon Builder

Extremely high rate of fire but a strong recoil profile requires skill to control


Elite Lock Box

Fixed Rolls

Rarity Legendary
Nano-Effect Electrical
Synergy Pandemonium (Weapons)
  • x0.90 Reload
  • x1.30 Mag
  • x1.10 Fire Rate
  • 25% of stowed weapon clip reloaded on a kill
  • x1.12 DMG
Additional (Jackpot Bonus)
  • 5% Crit
  • 5% Reload
  • 5% Damage
  • 5% Recoil
  • 5% Mag

Attaching mods to your weapon will adjust the appearance of those areas.


Important Note: These stats are not 100% confirmed, they may need to be adjusted based on bonus rolls or mods. Especially the DMG values, since Power Rating and Rarity now affect them.

Possible Masteries

Show/Hide Mastery Rolls

Common Mastery Rolls

x1.03 Clip Size

Uncommon Mastery Rolls

x1.06 Clip Size

x0.94 Reload Time

Rare Mastery Rolls

+15% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

10 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

10 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.03 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.09 Clip Size

x0.91 Reload Time

x0.95 Spread

Epic Mastery Rolls

x1.1 +10% Movement Speed

+30% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

15 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

15 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.2 -20% Reload while standing still

x1.05 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.15 Clip Size

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 5 seconds

x1.08 Rate of Fire

x0.8 Recoil Per Shot

x0.88 Reload Time

x0.9 Spread

Legendary Mastery Rolls

x1.15 +15% Movement Speed

+45% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

25 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

25 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.3 -30% Reload while standing still

x1.08 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.3 Clip Size

x1.15 Critical Multiplier

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 10 seconds

x1.1 Rate of Fire

x0.75 Recoil Per Shot

x0.85 Reload Time

x0.85 Spread

Supreme Mastery Rolls

x1.2 +20% Movement Speed

+50% speed boost for 5 seconds after a full reload

35 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult from the hip

35 +[%AMOUNT]% Crit Mult when crouched

x1.4 -40% Reload while standing still

x1.1 Aim and Hip Damage

x1.45 Clip Size

x1.2 Critical Multiplier

On full reload, reduce EGO Power cooldown by 15 seconds

x1.12 Rate of Fire

x0.6 Recoil Per Shot

x0.8 Reload Time

x0.8 Spread

Possible Bonus Rolls

Show/Hide Bonus Rolls

Weapons created after February 2015

Common Bonus Rolls

3 Aim and Hip Damage

15 Clip Size

5 Critical Multiplier

3 Rate of Fire

-10 Recoil Per Shot

-10 Reload Time

-2 Spread

Uncommon Bonus Rolls

5 Aim and Hip Damage

30 Clip Size

15 Critical Multiplier

5 Rate of Fire

-25 Recoil Per Shot

-15 Reload Time

-5 Spread

Rare Bonus Rolls

8 Aim and Hip Damage

45 Clip Size

25 Critical Multiplier

10 Rate of Fire

-40 Recoil Per Shot

-20 Reload Time

-10 Spread

Epic Bonus Rolls

+5% Durability Damage

+5% Shield Damage

10% EGO power recharge on critical kill

+5% Armor Penetration

+5% Health Damage

On full reload, +3% Life Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

On full reload, +3% Shield Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

10% EGO power recharge on full reload

Legendary Bonus Rolls

12 Aim and Hip Damage

60 Clip Size

30 Critical Multiplier

15 Rate of Fire

-50 Recoil Per Shot

-30 Reload Time

Supreme Bonus Rolls

15 Aim and Hip Damage

75 Clip Size

35 Critical Multiplier

20 Rate of Fire

-40 Reload Time

Weapons created before February 2015

Common Bonus Rolls

5 Clip Size

-5 Reload Time

-0.1 Spread

Uncommon Bonus Rolls

10 Clip Size

15 Critical Multiplier

3 Rate of Fire

-0.1 Recoil Per Shot

-10 Reload Time

-0.3 Spread

Rare Bonus Rolls

5 Aim and Hip Damage

15 Clip Size

25 Critical Multiplier

-0.2 Recoil Per Shot

-15 Reload Time

-0.5 Spread

Epic Bonus Rolls

+15% DMG on next grenade after a kill (expires after 10 sec.)

10% EGO power recharge on full reload

25% of stowed weapon clip reloaded on a kill

10% EGO power recharge on critical kill

Legendary Bonus Rolls

10 Aim and Hip Damage

25 Clip Size

10 Rate of Fire

Supreme Bonus Rolls

+5% Durability Damage

On full reload, +3% Shield Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

+5% Health Damage

+5% Armor Penetration

On full reload, +3% Life Steal for 3 seconds (10s cooldown)

+5% Shield Damage

Related Weapons (Elite Lock Box)

Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Chaos"
Thread Author Created
Score the Arkfall – Jubiläumpspunkte Event unschuldiger Passant 4 years ago
Armistice 2020 Event Notes Medjed 4 years ago
Py - 1/9/2019 elmoo 6 years ago
Good Times DieselFuelOnly 6 years ago
Chaos Brigade is recruiting luckydeath716 6 years ago
Clan recruiting Douvredif 6 years ago
Py - 07/04 elmoo 6 years ago
Defiant Few Radio will have a huge interview tonight regarding Defiance PurePlayinSerb 6 years ago
chaos crew live stream 15 in shadow war pursuit professor chaos69 6 years ago
unclaimed prizes professor chaos69 7 years ago
Chaos Crew new years eve live stream professor chaos69 7 years ago
can't purchase patron professor chaos69 7 years ago
PC/NA sorry chaos crew crashed the phase 3 times professor chaos69 7 years ago
About the chaos crew community event thread~ PoizeN420 7 years ago
WTT Chaos radiation nano fully modded STEVEO99VORTEC 7 years ago
Chaos Crew community raffle professor chaos69 7 years ago
Thank You to all the Event Hosts Menetekel 7 years ago
New Frontier Harvest Hotfix - December 8th - 10 AM PST (6PM GMT) Fasti 8 years ago
Paradise/chimera vendor OJ converter mods? eaglepowers 8 years ago
Neo Votanis Freebooters is Now Live! Ocho 8 years ago
This Game!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bentu 8 years ago
WTT Chaos and Order japiotrek 8 years ago
WTS Digger kill3rofm3n_517 8 years ago
Please Make PANDEMONIUM Shield Respark survivor bio resist Xyorg 8 years ago
Until Death VS Supernova / Chaos Leopenza1915 8 years ago

Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "Chaos"

OverloadUT: Servers coming down in a few, I assume it's to pull bonus boxes.

9 years ago (February 17, 2015, 9:37 pm)

Hey guys,

I'm very sorry about the lack of downtime notice and patch notes posted here on the forums. I had the info that I was supposed to post, but after the chaos of Extra Life, it fell through...

Rashere: A Defiance Solstice - 2.405 (Updated) to PTS

10 years ago (December 16, 2014, 3:04 am)

It's pretty easy to lose in the chaos of combat, but you'll get the Saturnalia text pop-up when it fires off.


Destromathe: Defiance 3.005 to PTS

9 years ago (May 5, 2015, 2:27 am)

I am glad you asked this. After much discussion, we're changing Chaos to be an assault rifle based on the VOT Blast Rifle. Thanks for the feedback on this, as we really want you guys to enjoy the...

Scapes: New from VBI: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (May 13, 2015, 2:21 am)

What better way to fight chaos and maintain order than with the latest arms from Von Bach Industries? The...

CM Kiwibird: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 7:29 pm)

Hey there everyone,

We have received reports that both Order and Chaos appear to be missing from player inventories. Our team is investigating, but please rest assured that your weapons remain...

CM Kiwibird: where is me chaos and order

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 7:29 pm)

Hey all, it's still attached to your account, rest assured. I've got a post up about this right now, we'll keep you posted on our progress.

CM Kiwibird: Chaos and Order

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 7:29 pm)

Hey there folks, we're working on this right now. :) Appreciate you reaching out to us about this.

Destromathe: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 7:40 pm)

Hey everyone. We have a fix for this, and will be deploying it later today ASAP. We have tested this, and Order and Chaos should appear back in your inventory once the fix is live. Thanks for your...

CM Kiwibird: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 8:46 pm)

We have a post on the Elite Lock Boxes available here. It wouldn't have changed your chance at getting the jackpot, but if you did pull a jackpot you would have ended up with the Guardian Angel....

CM Kiwibird: where is me chaos and order

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 8:46 pm)

Right now, you would pull a Guardian Angel as a jackpot. If you get one of those, we'll swap it out for the current jackpot.

CM Kiwibird: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 9:59 pm)

You'll get a Guardian Angel right now if you get a jackpot. If you pull a Guardian Angel, we'll be swapping it out for Order and Chaos. The patch is coming in quickly so I would suggest waiting until...

CM Kiwibird: Order and Chaos

9 years ago (June 10, 2015, 11:40 pm)

Hey there, I wanted to provide an update on this topic.

All users who purchased Premium Elite Lock Boxes between 10:50 AM PDT - 2:45 PM PDT have been awarded with an additional Premium Elite Lock...

CM Kiwibird: New from VBI: RA-44 Hellcat

9 years ago (June 16, 2015, 8:06 pm)


Launching off of the success of Order and Chaos, Von Bach Industries is proud to present...

Fuzzy: WTB Chaos and Order.

9 years ago (June 17, 2015, 9:19 pm)

You'll have more luck in the trading forums:

Fuzzy: Wtt chaos

9 years ago (June 18, 2015, 4:10 pm)

Please post in the trading section:
You'll have more luck there.

CM Kiwibird: FCN News Bulletin: Community Shadow War Chaos!

9 years ago (June 29, 2015, 5:20 pm)

Love the coverage and can't wait to help out for the next event! :)

CM Kiwibird: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 16, 2016, 7:58 pm)

Remember when I started long ago? ZamboniChaos is a member of our customer service team that will be helping out across all our communities. :) Please welcome him warmly.

CM Kiwibird: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 16, 2016, 9:00 pm)

I'm doing well, hope you're doing great!

That's a good bet! You'll see more of him in a CS related capacity, but he also is in contact with our community team. :)

ZamboniChaos: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 16, 2016, 6:28 pm)

Hi everyone!

As Kiwi mentioned, I'm a part of the Trion Customer Support team and have been working as a GM for the past year and a half. I'll be providing basic assistance (our core CS team will...

ZamboniChaos: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 16, 2016, 9:34 pm)

I'm happy to help! Obviously, I'm not a developer so the issues I can directly influence will be limited. However, I hope I'll be able to shed some light on some of the common problems we see and...

ZamboniChaos: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 17, 2016, 3:34 pm)

ZamboniChaos: Who is ZamboniChaos?

8 years ago (February 17, 2016, 9:30 pm)

I can definitely relate to the frustration caused by lag and performance problems. The Customer Support team doesn't have direct influence over these issues, but I'll make sure this feedback gets...

Celestrata: Worthless Devs and Worthless Game

8 years ago (March 1, 2016, 10:06 pm)

As this thread is mostly unproductive, going to close it. OP, as ZamboniChaos already put out there, we're happy to help troubleshoot and see if we can get it to work if you contact us through...

CM Kiwibird: Bit store jackpots in Armistice Elite Box???

8 years ago (April 6, 2016, 4:27 pm)

Take that with a grain of salt, that shouldn't be the case. This is what does drop:

i. Order
ii. Chaos
iii. Hellcat
iv. Warmonger
v. Wildcat
vi. Respark Regenator V ARK
vii. ...

Destromathe: The Awesomeness That Is This.

8 years ago (April 11, 2016, 6:51 pm)

Love the video Altras! This was on PTS, and you might notice a little guy down in the thick of things moving super speedy. That was Rarnok, causing chaos for some fun as a thanks for Altras and...

Destromathe: Is it possible to get a character back off of a banned xbox live account?

8 years ago (August 12, 2016, 8:29 pm)

Hello Spike Chaos. Unfortunately, we have no way to transfer a character off a banned gamertag, and since your character data is tied to that account, we will be unable to assist. If you would like...

Ocho: Neo Votanis Freebooters is Now Live!

8 years ago (September 19, 2016, 8:39 pm)

The Battle is ON! Now through October 10, Shrill and the Neo Votanis Front reunite for chaos in the Bay....

Fasti: New Frontier Harvest Hotfix - December 8th - 10 AM PST (6PM GMT)

8 years ago (December 7, 2016, 11:19 pm)

New Frontier Harvest hotfix:


Chaos, Order, Harmony, and Turmoil have been replaced...

TrionMobi: Chaos Crew 2050 beta key raffle, pc only

6 years ago (April 5, 2018, 1:49 am)

Good luck to all who enter and I'm excited to see some great screenshots. Giveaways hype!

TrionMobi: Chaos Crew Memorial day event

6 years ago (May 22, 2018, 9:07 pm)

Hope you all have a great time and weekend!

@DefianceGame Twitter:

4 years ago (February 28, 2020, 9:00 am)

@DefianceGame Twitter:

4 years ago (December 2, 2020, 11:30 am)



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