Friday Dev Livestream (November 8)

November 9, 2013 | Etaew | Viewed 2,937 times | Question and Answer,

Friday November 8, 2013 the Defiance Dev team streamed a play and Q&A session on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel.

In this stream dahanese and OverloadUT are joined by Trick Dempsey.


When are shields getting an upgrade?

The shield pass is on hold until DLC2 and DLC3 are more secure. DLC2 is basically done. We've already started work on our third DLC and we'll be hitting shields after we've secured the main features of that one first.

How do you obtain arkspike batteries?

Purchase with Scrip is one of the ways to get them, if you have an Arkbreaker DLC you get a gift of one arkspike battery each day. Every week you will also be given another battery.

Is the DLC an expansion?

I wouldn't describe it as an expansion, more of a feature update. It adds more gameplay systems, spikes, stims, grenade update, new special weapons, arkbreaks.

Helbug helmet

The hellbug mask should be on the in-game store, I can see to that.

Legendary Mods

Eventually there will be legendary mods, I don't intend to put them out in the near future. I want there to be more progression elements in the game before we go into legendary mods.

Mission replay questline reward boost

Right now you are given a random weapon, tends to be uncommon more often than I would like it to be. That reward group could be expanded upon for the milestone missions.

Why do lockboxes from afflicted sieges not reward legendaries?

I don't think they contain legendaries actually, I will have to double check. I think they use the same rewards as before.

Charge sniper rifles to have elemental attacks?

Can you not use the elemental converter on them? I don't know, will have to double check.

Will there be mid-season content that will continue the story?

Yes, There will definitely be pre-season and mid-season. So prior to the launch of the second season of defiance we will be covering events not only in the bay area itself, but changing politics for Von Bach Instructies, the Earth Republic and the Votanis Collective.

Is there an easier way to get the sword from Castithan DLC?

Not really, they are really hard.

Favourite Feature

Just tested today, it was delicious. So much cooler than selecting multiple things. You mark things as your favourite, and you bookmark them.

What will be in DLC 2 paid content?

We've talked a little bit about that but not all of it, we will be telling you about it in the coming weeks.

Additional Lockboxes

We have discussed both Vehicle and Outfit lockboxes, and they are both in motion.

Chat Channels

We are updating that UI, I don't know if it will be in the second DLC. It will be toggling channels on and off.

Charge Blade pvp range

I've not been able to reproduce it, but it appears to be peer to peer latency. We are doing a series of charge blade fixes which are going in very soon, but I'm not sure if we will be addressing that particular issue in that.

VBI-CSX Clustershot, why don't the grenades count as explosives?

They should count as explosives, as well as the Volge weapons that explode on impact. There is a data related issue that needs an update so they can cause damage effects properly.

Volge LMG bonus accuracy roll useless?

Fired at long range, accuracy which is not bloom, bloom is how much bigger soemthing gets over time after each shot, accuracy is how narrow that cone is in the first place. Accuracy at long range with that gun is effective.

Tactical AR Scope was removed

The tactical scope was replaced by the stability scope, essentially those scopes had near to zero or no zoom on them and they were intended to not actually put you into the scope. Giving you the advantages of the scope without putting you into the scope loading screen. Would not be moving the reticule.

They are not coming back.

Extra Life Vendor Exploit

Very small percentage of people found out that you could sell things back for more than you paid for them to the extra life vendor. We wanted to remedy that and take back currency, we didn't message you guys before. There are some 1 day bans that could have been handled better.

RNG strange synergies

Even if they are strange, you can use it as a perfectly normal mod.

Charge blade melee attack castithan and female models melee slide

Everybody does that with normal melee.

Ferriks mask variants

There were a number of coloured variants that will appear on the store first. Some work needs to be done to fix clipping through noses of some models.

Social Hub

We will eventually, but we need more things for people to do inside of them.


Defiance portion starts at 53:00.

Watch live video from TrionWorlds on TwitchTV


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Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Thank you, updated :)

11 years ago

A little proof read:

  • insert "are" after DLC3 in the first question
  • Spell check: should be "Peer to peer"in question #15

As always good job on the transcript.

11 years ago