May 23 Forum Answers

May 23, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 2,419 times | Question and Answer,

Kiwibird has posted a selection of answers to community questions this week.

  1. Any chance of getting some of the cast of Defiance in an 'organized' Live Stream?
    There is a good chance of that indeed! We’ll announce who will be joining us and when as we grow closer to the date.
  2. There is currently 7 co-op maps so why do we always seems to get explosions 101 every 2nd day and some times 2 days in a row as the daily contract, can it be changed so we get a different daily so we cycle through the 7 co-op maps each week?
    There is an issue with the contract system picking the same contracts multiple times in a row rather than making certain that each contract has been selected before choosing to repeat one.
  3. Can we have the ability to vote-kick people from Warmaster? If not, why?
    Warmaster is a public event and we don’t want it to be used as an opportunity for elitist players to abuse other players. As such, we will not grant them the ability to kick other players out of the content they came to play. Work with your fellow ark hunters or bring your own pre-made parties to take down Warmaster.
  4. Which character will receive the Ark Salvage at expiration?
    Once an item in your claims has expired, it will be salvaged by the next character to log in to a server. This includes using “Go to” to jump to a friend on a different server or to join an instance.
  5. What are the plans for the future? There will be monthly content and story updates?
    We are providing continuing story content including a new zone. Additionally, we’re bringing in new weapons, outfits, and consumables. On top of that, we’re adding in new enemies and events to the game world.
  6. Are there any plans to add any new Daily and Weekly Contacts into the rotation?
    We’ll be adding new ones to the rotation as we expand the landmass.
  7. How will unique weapons perform when upgraded by rarity, what bonus roll will they pull from?
    When unique weapons are upgraded in rarity, they will pull from a list of bonus rolls identical to the base forms on those weapons.
  8. Will anything be done in Season 2 about the map and world clutter that exists because of all the episode missions? Example: A better way to filter missions based on season.
    Yup! We’re going to expand the missing replay feature to better filter out specific lines, then we’ll break them down by season and type. That way you’ll only see one available mission from each line: Relics of Defiance, Season 1 Episodes, Season 2 Episodes, Thorn Liro, Arkbreaker, Gunslinger.
  9. Can season 1 episode missions be sorted into order and get a replay button when finished?
    See above.
  10. Could we have a dedicated trade chat channel?
    We could add a dedicated trade chat channel, though people tend to migrate from it to world chat due to people then filtering out trade.
  11. Since My EGO website is no longer available, can we have an in-game ui or slash commands to view statistics, or perhaps an xml feed that other sites can use?
    We are adding slash commands to view these stats.
  12. With regards to 99ers. I understand that you wanted to make them a bit more formidable, but.... When it takes an entire clip from a T4 modded quad mag Bio SAW to deplete the shields 1/2 way, only to have them regenerate in the time it takes to reload weapon, it feels like a futile attempt. When will this balancing issue be looked into?
    It has been looked into. Our June 4th patch contains many major balance fixes. We’ve reduced the scaling on shields for high-tier enemies, and we’ve revisited the armor value of every single enemy in the game. Additionally, we’ve made a pass of the scaling rules of every enemy to prevent certain groups or enemy types from scaling at an unfair rate.
  13. Is it possible to completely get rid of the double spawns and instead have the second spawn come AFTER the first spawn is dead? Kind of like adding waves of enemies instead of slapping you in the face with them.
    We’ve done considerable retuning of our scaling for our June 4th patch, including altering the rules for numerical scaling. However, they will still come out simultaneously rather than forming a queue.
  14. Any chance you guys could toss an exclusive title for everyone that owns defiance when it goes Free to Play? Like "The Entrenched" or "The Veterans"
    We have! It’s called “Old School.”
  15. Any update on disappearing vehicles?
    Ever mysterious, and a far lower priority than the issues with unbeatable hotshots and rampages or rewards not being granted at appropriate times. It’s annoying, but it’s far behind progression stopping bugs, and we'd rather address the progression stopping bugs first!
  16. Can we have a leaderboard for damage as well as score?
    There will not again be a leaderboard for damage. However, we are adding a feature later where you can see your own damage. If you feel like volunteering this information to your group, friends, or clan, then you are free to do so.
  17. Is it possible to have the double spawns, spawn a few seconds later? Sort of stagger them a bit.
    We’ve done considerable re-tuning of our scaling for our June 4th patch, including altering the rules for numerical scaling. However, they will still come out simultaneously rather than forming a queue.
  18. With Echelon reputation for all PvP matches, could we see Paradise reputation for every completed Co-op map?
    We do not allow easily harvestable faction to have weapon and mod chests. If we were to do this, we’d need to remove the Weapon Kit and Synergy Mod Hoard from the Paradise vendor, and we like them there.
  19. Certain outfits also mess with skin colour, will those be fixed?
    Currently, there are many higher-priority tasks and bugs which would have to be addressed before we get around to this one.
  20. Could we have more information on unlockable things in the store with the arrival of free to play?
    Certainly. Along with our regular releases of new outfits and lockboxes, the store will also get a few more convenience items and boosts.
    • Personal Plus boosts – These are improved versions of the current personal boosts which will stack with the original boosts. These will be available for Scrip, Salvage, Reputation, Score, XP, and Skill.
    • Patron Pass – This will provide a boost to Scrip, Salvage, Score, Reputation, XP, and Skill. This will stack with all other boosts. Additionally, the Patron Pass will provide a 10% discount on all Defiance Store purchases.
    • Ark Keycode capacity upgrades will allow you to purchase up to a capacity of 125 keycodes.
    • Additional character slots will be available up to a max of 6.
    • Loadout slots will be available for up to a max of 6.
    One important note when looking at these boosts: we are not changing the leveling curve for free-to-play. If you are enjoying your rate of progression in the game as it exists, you will not need to purchase boosts to maintain that rate.
  21. Are any other hotfix patches expected before F2P arrives?
    Not currently! We're focused on getting everything sorted for the Free-to-Play launch. Lots of patch notes there!  Remember that known bug list, though? I'm posting that today.

Source: Defiance Forums


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