Friday Dev Livestream (January 24)

January 27, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 4,799 times | Question and Answer,

Friday January 24, 2013 the Defiance Dev team streamed a play and Q&A session on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel.

In this stream OverloadUT is joined by Trick Dempsey who show off DLC 3.

This transcript is provided courtesy of Arsenic_Touch who stepped in due to my absence.

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Problem with this particular models shoulder is why the alpha server is delayed.

The new spawn vehicle timer is a progress bar


Warmaster loot was nerfed.

Unintended consequence of the patch. Will be fixed at an unknown date.

7th legion new hybrid votan tech shields mentioned in advertisement.

We will be getting 3 New types of shields, revamps of coldfire weapons.
New skins for weapons, new fx, new loadout synergies that work with the shield, and regular mod synergies
1 shield type has 10% chance to spawn decoy when shield breaks, another has melee bonus when shield fully recharg.

Will the new blades have new slash animations?

No. They have the same animation as charge blades. They look like a katana but function like a charge blade.

Epic mods gave unique looks to weapons and they suddenly disappeared. When is this coming back? - it's not coming back, it was a bug that gave attachments from wrong places.

They may add unique looks when they add legendary mods. (so they confirmed legendary mods at some point)

Surge bolter 6x multiplier instead of a 3x multiplier.

This question was asked regarding the damage, not the critical on it. The gun does more damage than it should when fully charged. They say it's fine, but it's not.

Is Jackleg joe a reference to black beard?

Yes, Jackleg Joe Teach is a reference to edward teach *blackbeard"

Will we ever get our hands on enemy weapons? mutant soldiers have ars that have bullpup designs?

Would require new animations, so the verdict is no. They said if they did it, they would basically be a new weapons pack. Though there will be many new weapons with the DLC, they will have new skins, mechanics and such.

Faction vendors

They added two new boxes to faction vendors. The purple cache will give 4 faction synergy mods, and can give purples. The blue cache gives 4 random weapons with the faction synergy, can be legendary and this will finally put the scavenger bolt action sniper rifle in the game. This is for all faction vendors.

New things with 7th Legion.

New contracts, not named. As a member of 7th legion, completing incursions will earn you 7th legion rep.
Non dlc players can still do the incursions but they do not get rep for it. The 7th legion vendor will have outfits for rep as well. The biohazard lockbox which contains weapons, outfits and hats such as the plague doctor hat will be released at a later date. Evidently this is newer content that wasn't supposed to be announced yet.

New Charge Blade.

The katana posted in the preview screenshots here - is the new charge blade we're receiving. It does not have any new mechanics, in functions just like a regular charge blade, it just looks like a katana. There is no decapitation mechanic with the blade like it is shown in the screenshot. They said they will try to get that fixed at a later date.

PVP Questions

The question asked was about the hidden tier system that causes the queues to screw up and dump certain players in empty queues but they misinterpreted the question and said that there will not be any clan rivalry, tiered queues, clan queuing. They said not in the foreseeable future.

Broken Score Menu

They're revamping the scoring system across pvp, sieges, et cetera. However, they didn't answer the question about the WWWWWWWW showing up on pvp match score windows.

Losing ammo when switching loadouts.

They said they probably should address it, they said there's an ammo chest so you can reload just fine.
This was fixed with a patch and broken with the DLC. It isn't a priority compared to the warmaster glitching about and hanging in the wrong place or crashing.

Clan boosts are broke.

Acknowledged that they're broke and that it should be looked at in the near future (note that they seemed to have fixed them with the server restart, clan boosts were showing back up)

Do you feel nanos carry enough weight and should weapons roll without a nano?

No, they do not carry nearly enough weight. Fire proc is like 250 damage per tick, which is nothing compared to firing an assault rifle. The issue with balancing them so they're beneficial in certain situations is making it so non nano guns are beneficial in certain situations.

CO-OP kick bug is back.

It never went away, it only got worse. More common on consoles. This actually only started happening again after the DLC launched but they say otherwise. They're still hunting it down, no ETA on a fix.

Will the thorn liro vendor ever get more items?

Not in the cards, was the reason for the charge weapon buff. Which oddly enough didn't apply to the pistols or shotguns....

If the 7th legion is part of the earth republic, why would we want to join them?

Didn't answer the question, went on to talk about how they've shown that there are both villians and heroes on the earth republic and that they just finished up recording new content in regards to the earth republic that will be released a later date.

Unique skin mods for weapons like the charge blade colour mods

Based on how the system is set up it's really hard and that it may not happen til after season 2 of the show, requires too much work to do. Not saying whether they're looking into it or not.

Dual wield pistols

Not doing dual wield pistols. Animation issues.

Switching grenade bugs when picking them off the ground

Fix is in the 7th legion DLC. It was due to having grenades in other loadouts.

Warmaster Achievement trophy fix

Comes out with the 7th legion DLC

Ego cap raise

Will be raised, no ETA.

Season 2 pursuits along side season 1 pursuits

Not as many pursuits as season 1, but there will be new pursuits.

Where are the vot heavy plasma repeater? no one has looted one

There should be, trick claims to have one. He says he'll check.

Can we have an in game friend list?

Already has one. Not possible to separate the console friend list from their xbox live/ps network due to certification with microsoft/sony.

Increase of perks equipped

No intention of changing the amount of perks players can use.

Any plans on player limits for breaking warmaster locks?

Could buff up the opening encounter to improve the chances of beating the warmaster.

Talked about solutions but have no plans or eta to implement them.

Warmaster chat

7th legion will put you in the right chat.

Vendor special mods with no synergy

Large loot table to roll on, working as intended.

Fix for auto favoriting grenades

Trick didn't understand the question.

Cross platform play

Not possible with the agreements with sony and microsoft.

When will the pts be available?

Wanted to put it up friday night but due to a texture glitch. Should be fixed and the PTS should be available shortly. Hope to unlock it monday

End game content

It's coming, will talk about in the future. After 7th legion.

Can't manage clan players who are offline

Want to fix but they don't have a plan or ETA.


This video does have some problems but the Defiance portion starts at 1:36:00.

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