Developer Livestream

August 16, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 2,305 times | Question and Answer,

The developers hosted their rare Friday livestream on the test server, spoke about the future, answered a few questions and showed off some of the latest changes.

The developers hosted their rare Friday livestream on the test server, spoke about the future, answered a few questions and showed off some of the latest changes.


Watch live video from TrionWorlds on Twitch

Writing this now below is incomplete


New Invasions

We've put in 2 new invasions, one is a Hellbug invasion and it will be going live probably in a patch on Tuesday. The other one will happen towards the end of the season when things in both the show and game heat up and Pilgrims become total assholes.


Hellbug Invasion is hooked up to happen in Silicon Valley but it would make sense to add it to Bloodbath Gorge.

Faith (Incursion):

  • Avert the Conversion

Old Faithful (Conflict Site):

  • Destroy the Evangel

Other locations for invasions would be at Port Bruno bridge and between the parking structures of Port Bruno station.


Faith is an attack by Pilgrims. All Pilgrim population on PTS are hostile, you will find a handful of friendly ones that are tied to missions. Dedicants are the lowest of the forces of the Pilgrims.

Acolytes are a little special, they can get angry and can gain bonus armor and shields, all Acolytes have EGO units installed and can fight with them. We've set them up to use cover. Shotgun Acolytes follow the rules of stealth, and will get up close and shoot you in the face with a shotgun.

The shotgun vs pistol vs assault rifle guys have slightly different behaviors and designed weapon ranges.


Evangels were really durable, Guardians continue to be durable we didn't tweak their health. However to Evangels we can now do damage to it, they have had considerably reduced hitpoints, previously it was twice that of the Warmaster. Also if you clear out all the guards they will detonate.

Grid Ground Knockback

I've been meaning to reduce that knockback, because it's a total bitch at the Rift as you can end up falling into it over and over again.

Just changed or coming to the game

Silicon Valley Map

Before the Silicon Valley zone was an instanced area, but now it is part of the greater map. 

Baseline threat in the world is EGO 10 can handle Threat 1, Threat 1 is designed for EGO 1000.

I can't give a timeline but I do want to expand Silicon Valley south to San Jose. We had a lot of issues stem from rushing certain events, a lot of bugs made its way out to the public.

Max EGO Rating

Max EGO Rating increased to 5900, you can be selective about what pursuits to do in order to reach the max.

Dynamic Event Manager

The game determines when to spawn major events, there is one for the main world, one for San Francisco and one for Silicon Valley.

There was an issue on live where several major events claimed an area and locked eachother out.

On full reload

We've been doing some work, specifically to address the Zagger. There was unintended behavior that people were getting with reloads at unexpected times allowing you to have things like ego power always being available. We are adding a cooldown to that. We are also looking at the core issue on the Zagger that can have instant reload.

Jackpot Gun

An additional roll to lockboxes will be an additional jackpot gun out of it. For the next few weeks, will be a Wildcat. It has been custom made to be a good legendary. The jackpot gun will drop at the EGO range of your character and have opened mod slots. It will also require DLC 4 to use.

Therefore making it super costly to upgrade with Arkforge and thus a penalty for lower players.

We have a list of the 12 most desirable guns, we picked one of each of the weapon types. Splitshot Surge Bolter, incendiary rocket launcher. We may take votes in the future, but we want to have a good spread of types to start with.

Arkforge in Lockboxes

We are going to be updating the numbers of Arkforge in lockboxes, we had removed the ability for Tier 3 Lockboxes to roll 50 Arkforge, that is coming back. Also Tier 4 Lockboxes can start rolling 100 Arkforge.


Adding rep gains to Durango races?

No. There are two rep grinds which are infinite, Thorn Liro and Echelon. As a result we can't put lockboxes or top end random gear elements onto the merchants. Infinite scability over a short period of time, terrible economics.

San Francisco Bridge

In the show the bridge was shown intact due to a mistake in post processing.

EGO Codes on double episodes coming up

There will be 2 codes per week.

Corporate Espionage Lockbox

Creating an additional path for those having a massive amount of Scrip in the game. We will rotate in new lockboxes in the future. Next one probably halloween, but potentially in the future each month.

EGO Code Duration

Currently lasting just a week, but they are meant to last 10 days, we will look into that.

XBOX Free to Play

Soon but still no date yet to announce.

Can we change EGO's voice?

No, it's a game plot that EGO is an actual person.

Keycode and lockbox balancing

paused transcription at 48:00 back later


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