Community Q&A - October 3

October 4, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 2,149 times | Question and Answer,

Kiwibird has posted the latest selection of answers from developers to community questions.


 Hey there ark hunters! It's time for more awesome Q&A with the Defiance team! 

  1. Will we see more changes to the salvage matrix, such as changing synergy or existing bonuses/rarity rolls?
    While we are making more salvage matrix options, and generally working to make it more accessible and attractive. However, we analyzed the benefits of adding these options and have since decided to remove them. Seeking improved bonus and synergy rolls are an excellent drive to chase for new gear. Allowing a single weapon it reroll synergies and bonuses just encourages the creation of a “favorite blanket” which is not the experience we are targeting. 
    In the short term, we’re adding functionality to upgrade the rating of a weapon “all the way” as an alternative to discreetly choosing each step of 100 rating upgrade. We’re also adding a personalization system to apply new appearances and bonuses on top of the rolls generated on the weapon itself. 
  2. What are the current priorities for the Defiance team?
    As always, we have an engineering team dedicated to performance and connectivity issues. We have a handful of developers wrapping up the Aftermath update before we push it to PTS next week. Similarly, we have a small team dedicated the Xbox Free-to-play release.

    Our designers are working on new live events for the upcoming holidays as well as unique gear to go with them.

    We’re developing updated logic and interface for matchmaking. We’re adding functionality to mass invite players in your area, on your friends list, and in your clan. This should make filling the Warmaster and other instances much easier. Additionally, we’re working to update the quickmatch functionality to make joining a desired event easier. Our final matchmaking improvement is to add “Private Matches” wherein one player has complete control over who participates in an event. (And, yes, this includes making private versions of even the Warmaster event.)

    We have two major features in development:1) A new series of instances which grow progressively more difficult and which allow for highly versatile populations.
    2) A new kind of gear which will make “overflow” XP and Weapon Skill mechanically useful.
  3. Is there an ETA for HD textures for the PC version, or just a confirmation that it's going to happen or not?
    Given other issues with stability, this has been put on hold behind overall stability improvements for all three platforms.
  4. Since the actual Durango seats 7 people in reality, can our Durangos be patched to seat 4 players instead of 2?
    This is possible. The team will look into this.
  5. Can overlapping events not get phased out?
    We have some open issues on this already. We’ve stopped most times this can occur, but we still get reports of it happening, so we'll stay on the case.
  6. How do armor plates and damage reduction stack, additively or multiplicatively?
  7. Can we get an option to "Payout" Certain pursuits?
    Not all pursuits need to be completed in order to reach max EGO rating, so this wouldn't be a high priority addition, but we do appreciate the input.
  8. Can we have the ability to select multiple items in inventory and claims?
    We'd like to see a multi-select in claims. The favorite system essentially handles this in the inventory.
  9. Will we ever get a "Wandering Warmaster" in the open world?
    Probably, but not in the near future. We are concentrating on other content at this time.
  10. Can those who have hit the "XP Cap" have XP "Rewards" converted to something else?
    YES YOU CAN! We are developing this functionality right now!


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