Defiance Community Q&A: November 14

November 15, 2014 | | Viewed 2,021 times | Question and Answer,

Kiwibird presents answers to questions including some about planned holiday events

Kiwibird has posted the latest selection of answers from developers to community questions.


 It's Friday  folks! I hope you all are doing well. Thank you for participating in our Hulker Hell contest, we'll have the results out next week. It's also time for more awesome Q&A with the Defiance team!

  1. I'm sure the burning question on everybody's lips is, can we get Santa hats? Helper elf caps? Antlers?
    C’mon folks! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet! What are we going to do with all these pilgrim hats and deadly turkeys?
  2. For thanksgiving I know there will be outfits, is there going to be any other content?
    Thanksgiving?!? But you just asked about Christmas! What are we going to do with all these candy canes and reindeer antlers!?!
  3. Will some of the other named demon guns get Halloween paint jobs like the others? Maybe green and purple or orange something Halloween like.
    Every named Halloween gun has a special paint job that is either unavailable elsewhere in the game or very rare. These are paint jobs that existed already so we could use them for the event, but that hadn’t been used much in-game previously. Some are more subtle than others. We’d like to get additional paint jobs available for special guns in the future, but don’t have plans to change the existing ones.
  4. Is anyone working on a fix for melee attack resetting the overload of charge weapons?
    We’re looking at making some updates to charge weapons (so that bonuses and mods can affect weapon charge), and we’ll probably address these around the same time.
  5. Will nano effects ever be added as an option for exotic weapons?
    We’ve got a few updates planned for applying nano-effects to infectors and BMGs, but they are not headed out the door any time soon. I’m not going to be satisfied with them until lava pustules can be shot like giant deadly zits.
  6. Is there any plan to remove/bypass encryption?
    Nope. We’re happy with the balance of encryption at this point.
  7. Any insight on when can we expect aftermath?
    Yes! We’re scheduling the Aftermath patch right now. The final hurdle to releasing it has been cleared, now it’s just a matter of scheduling.
  8. Will events like Extra life arkfalls and hulker hells be continued over in 2015?
    Indeed! We were happy with the way the Halloween event turned out and we learned from Extra Life. We plan to have more, and more frequent, events in 2015. In fact, just this morning we had our initial planning meeting to map out all the events we would like to do in 2015!
  9. Will we at some point be able to get to the level cap (5900) just through grinding xp and not having to do it with pvp?
    You can reach 5900 without ever once entering PvP. You will never, however, be able to reach the cap without doing any pursuits; XP alone will never get you there.
  10. Would it be possible to make an option to view another players inventory?
    We currently allow you to inspect someone and see their equipped weapons, clan, title, loadout, etc. We don’t allow you to view someone’s inventory, nor will we.
  11. With the holidays coming up, will a “gifting” option be added to the store or in game? Tis the season!
    Without a mail system to build off of, gifting is difficult to execute in a clear and exciting way. This year, the New Frontier will have to rely on person-to-person trading.
  12. Will the Hulker skull cap ever be released as head gear?
    Presently not, though it should be pretty easy to add. We have a release coming up with some classic wartime outfits, and that skull cap might make a nice addition. One of the Spirit Rider helmets is actually quite similar, though with antlers attached.


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Will The Aftermath Update Be Released Tomorrow Or Will It Be Delayed Again?

9 years ago