Community Q&A May 15

May 16, 2015 | Etaew | Viewed 2,678 times | Question and Answer,

Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!


  1. Any news on resolving the issue with reward screens? We miss our notifications!
    We fixed the colors, and notification will still occur when you open your daily/weekly rewards. We are still looking in this issue.
  2. What is the team currently working on implementing?
    We are currently working on some updates to our Season Premier patch and a new Dark Matter Expedition.
  3. Will users be able to trade items between characters on their own account in the future? If not, what other inventory improvements are being looked at?
    We currently do not have plans to transfer items between characters associated with your account, there are already methods that allow for this to happen via trading. We would prefer to spend time with inventory improvements in general. We are looking in to more sorting and filtering changes and how they would work with PC users that play with a gamepad or a mouse as well as console players.
  4. Will we be readdressing the daily system? The expedition requirement is difficult for new players and players leveling new characters.
    For now the Expedition contract rotation will remain as is. As for expeditions being too difficult for new or leveling players we will look in to tuning those more.
  5. Are there any plans to add a clan progression track for expeditions?
    This something we took a quick look at to see what we could to add as a new clan activity, nothing is definitively planned at the moment though.
  6. Since it's pretty hard to find a good T4 mod, can we expect a rarity upgrade system for them? Just like guns and shields.
    There are no current plans to allow users to upgrade the rarity of Mods.
  7. Will Alcatraz have a weapon faction in the future?
    We currently do not plan on adding a new reputation vendor for Alcatraz, we may expand a bit on the Silicon Shard Vendor in the future.
  8. Are you working on a fix for arkfalls and sieges not showing the score or time left?
    We are still tracking this issue down, we just came across this during lunch with one of our engineers! We are in the process of finding a strong reproduction case.
  9. Are there any plans to buff Fire Nano?
    No plans to buff incendiary at this time. It’s arguably the most useful nano already and doesn’t need to be more effective against shielded enemies to maintain that.
  10. Do you have any plans to put Legendary Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips on the Expedition vendor, even if at ridiculous Silicon Shard costs? Are you also aware that several Cyber Chips (namely Keystones) aren't working?
    We don’t have any current plans to add Legendary Cyber Rigs or Chips to the Cyber Rig Vendor. As for the chips and keystones not working please ping Kiwibird about which ones are not working properly. I believe we had a few patches that solved a few of these early bugs.


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The usual Q&A where the community manager picks only the questions that the devs are comfortable to answer but the real problems and doubts about the game are never coming out.


9 years ago

Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Graywolfe posted:

Umm your thread link isn't going where it is suppose to I think.

You are right, fixed! thanks.

9 years ago

Umm your thread link isn't going where it is suppose to I think.

9 years ago