Defiance Season 3 Guide - Patron Pass Contracts

May 31, 2015 | | Viewed 7,405 times | Season 3,

Season 3 of the show is near, and so is the Season 3 Update on Defiance. There is an early version with some additions on PTS already. One of the new additions are Patron Pass Contracts.


Patron Pass Contracts

If you have an active Patron Pass running, you will notice after the Season 3 Update that you have 4 contracts for most factions: 2 Dailies and 2 Weeklies.

After your Patron Pass runs out, the additional contracts will be gone too.

Patron Pass Dailies and Weeklies have a "Patron:" in front of the contract name, so you are able to distinguish what's a non-Patron and what's a Patron contract.


Each faction has a new Patron Pass Daily. They can be the same as the non-Patron Pass Daily but don't have to be. Patron Pass Contracts can be expedition Dailies as well.

PP Dailies give out half of the rep than normal ones, so 5 per faction. Chimera doesn't give an extra Core either.


Each faction that has weeklies has a second weekly for PP holders. Those give out 25 Rep, so half of the "normal" ones. PP Weeklies also have less objectives than normal weeklies as they pay out less.

An example of this can be seen here: This Patron weekly only requires 3 conflicts, while the normal weekly requires 5.


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I guess the main question is "Why?" For most who are at or near 6000 EGO, our Rep is already maxed. Oh, I see we will also receive keycodes; however the one thing most everyone needs, wants, works their tail off for is arkforge. Any thought given to including it as a reward for patrons completing these extra contracts? It is by far easier to upgrade than it is to try and get the same item as Legendary. Legendary drops seem to be very rare for most of us.

9 years ago